About Me

I'm a writer, developer, avid learner, and practitioner of software tools. I've worked in cybersecurity as an engineer and for a nonprofit in a communications/marketing capacity, but wherever I've worked I've used computers to solve real problems.
My Website

This site is constructed to hold articles, poems, notes, and whatever else I want to put in it. Featuring bidirectional links, link previews, and self-generating OpenGraph images.
- Javascript
- Gatsby
- React
- GraphQL
- Git Submodules
My Portfolio

This is this website. I built this with HTML and CSS as an exercise in not using fancy frameworks for every website.
My Favorite Colors

A short project that uses Twit.js and the Twitter API to get the colors I've liked from the @everycolor bot and generate a responsive grid of colors.
- Svelte
- Twit.js
NIST 800-53 Viewer

I occasionally have consulted the NIST 800-53 Controls for work. This React App uses React Router, Bootstrap, and a json source to create an interface that is easier to reference than a spreadsheet.
- React
- React Router
- Bootstrap